Sunday 09 June 2024
American writer in interview with Qodsna:

Israelis’ hubris to be large part of their downfall

An American writer told Qodsna that the Zionist regime pretended to be a caring regime but they dropped that pretense and such an arrogant behavior paves the way for their downfall.

Al-Nujaba warns Zionist regime, US against foolish acts in Iraq

The head of Iraq’s Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba has warned that any foolish act by the Zionist regime would be met with a harsh response against both Zionists and the US.

Doctors Without Borders:

Situation at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa Hospital ‘nightmare’

Coordinator of the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Gaza Samuel Johann has said, "It's a nightmare at Al-Aqsa” Hospital following a recent bombardment of some areas in the Gaza Strip.

EU policy chief:

Israeli bloodbath in Gaza must end immediately

European Union Foreign Policy Chief, Josep Borrell has condemned one more Zionist massacre of more than 200 Palestinians in Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp.

American writer in interview with Qodsna:

Israelis’ hubris to be large part of their downfall

An American writer told Qodsna that the Zionist regime pretended to be a caring regime but they dropped that pretense and such an arrogant behavior paves the way for their downfall.

Islamic Jihad:

Nuseirat carnage won’t change resistance’s stance

Palestinian resistance movement Islamic Jihad says that the Zionist regime’s massacre in Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp will not make the resistance front change its stance.

UKMTO reports fresh maritime strike off Yemen coast

The UK Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) has reported yet another maritime-related incident in the Red Sea without giving any further details.

US protesters:

Biden’s hands stained with Palestinian blood

Thousands of pro-Palestine protesters gathered in front of the White House in Washington DC to denounce the ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip by the Zionist regime and the continued support of the US government to Tel Aviv.

Iran says anti-Zionist boycott movement effective

Iran’s Foreign Ministry Spokesman Nasser Kanaani has described imposing sanctions against Zionist goods and companies as the easiest thing to do but is very effective.

PA urges UN to blacklist Zionist regime for harming children

Palestinians Authority (PA) has hailed the United Nations' decision to put the Zionist regime on the blacklist for harming children as an appropriate move to make the Zionists accountable.

Zionist army enrolls reservists via ads on WhatsApp

Media outlets of the Zionist regime reported that the regime’s army is facing a shortage of reserve military forces; so, it published recruitment advertisements in WhatsApp groups.

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