Wednesday 08 May 2024

Axis of Resistance inflicted wounds
upon diabolical monster known as Jewish state

Mark Glenn

American political analyst told qodsna: : if ‘1979’ had never occurred, the world would be a much different place. It is only because of the lacerations and wounds which the axis of Resistance led by the IRI have inflicted upon this diabolical monster known as the Jewish state.

Tehran (Qodsna) – American political analyst, Mark Glenn in an exclusive interview with qodsna spoke about the major effects of Iranian 1979 revolution especially on the Palestinian issue.


Here is the full text of interview:


Qodsna: Experts on the Palestinian issue argue that the Islamic Revolution changed the direction of the fight against Israel. What is your opinion about the effect of Iran’s Islamic Revolution on Palestine and Islamic resistance movements?

Mark Glenn: Quite simply, if ‘1979’ had never occurred, the present misery and injustice that exist as ‘the norm’ in the Middle East, and particularly with regards to the daily plight of the Palestinians, would be much, much worse.

What must be understood by anyone wanting to understand the situation in the Middle East is that the creation of the Zionist abomination was from the very beginning never about ‘settling’ a small sliver of unpopulated territory in Palestine as a ‘Jewish homeland’. From the very beginning, the intention was to create a sprawling, massive empire stretching from the Nile all the way eastward to the Euphrates, exactly as laid out within the commandments of the Jewish Torah, and with that, the murder and displacement not just of the Palestinians, but indeed, ALL Arabs and Turks–both Muslim and Christian–in Palestine, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, Turkey, etc.

And had the Shah remained in power and had Iran remained a subservient vassal state to America and the Jewish interests who govern her, that plan of creating ‘Eretz Israel’ would be much further along today. It is only because of the inhibitive and preventative moves which the Islamic Republic of Iran have executed that have slowed this apocalyptic inferno to where things are at present.


Qodsna: Why did the leaders of the Zionist regime like Yitzhak Rabin compare the victory of the Islamic Revolution to a great earthquake for Israel?

Mark Glenn: Again, as in my previous response, what the student of the Arab/Israeli conflict needs to know is that the creation of ‘Israel’ was NEVER intended to be merely this tiny real estate project, but rather one intended to create this GIANT sprawling Judaic empire known as ‘Greater Israel’.

To that end therefore, the reason that ‘1979’ was described by Rabin as an ‘earthquake’ is because of the fact that–just like any real earthquake’--all of Judea’s plans for building that sprawling empire came crashing down due to the fact that there now existed a sovereign nation state wiling to expel the Zionist virus that has subdued all the other nations in the area. As such, Iran acquired for herself the freedom to move unilaterally in ways that the other nations in the area simply cannot due to the Western political and economic leashes they have tied around their necks.


Qodsna: What changes have Iran's continued support for Palestine brought to the conflict equation with Israel?

Mark Glenn: The changes are obvious and are clearly visible today. Israel has focused nearly ALL of her angst, attention and anxiety upon destroying Iran. Every day, she snarls like the rabid Zionist dog that she is, knowing that there is this large and powerful nation to her east that is existentially dedicated to the expulsion of the Zionist virus and which cannot be bullied, bribed or bought off as other Arab countries in the region have. Furthermore, Iran’s dedication to the Palestinian situation has underscored the utter moral bankruptcy of those Arab countries within the deadly grasp of American/Israeli political and economic control who will say things periodically sympathetic to the plight of the Palestinians but who nevertheless do NOTHING substantive. Furthermore, the disparity of difference in approach towards the Palestinian issue viz Iran and the Arab countries is made even more stark by the fact that Iran is not an Arab country but rather Persian, and yet, more than those Arab/Sunni countries such as KSA, Egypt, Jordan, etc, this Persian/Shia nation does more in fighting for the rights of Palestine than all the aforementioned together by a factor of 100.


Qodsna: Many experts believe that the people of Iran have turned the key of Israel’s collapse with their Islamic revolution. How do you see the signs of this collapse?

Mark Glenn: Strategically it is a very dangerous thing to allow optimism to cloud one’s perception of an enemy’s imminent demise, and therefore we should be cautious about assuming that the collapse of Israel is soon to take place. By the grace of God almighty, it may indeed collapse soon, Insh’Allah (if God wills), but it would be a terrible mistake to think that this large and Apocalyptically-dangerous monster is in the verge of its own destruction.

Has this monster been wounded? Yes.

Has it received deep cuts and lacerations inflicted upon it by the axis of resistance? Yes.

But we must never forget that the Jewish state is empowered by a DIABOLICAL energy source that is almost inexhaustible in its capacity and potency and is willing to incinerate the entire world in achieving her desires.

Remember the destruction that was wrought against the Middle East in the aftermath of Israel’s terrorist attacks on America on 9/11. Look at the destruction and destabilization that has taken place over the last 3 years with Israel’s release of the COVID-19 virus (Coronavirus) cooked up in the Israeli Institute of Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziyyona. She has exponentially-larger dirty tricks up her sleeve she is willing to inflict and therefore, all of us engaged in this existential battle with her must take into account that she is an extremely dangerous and cunning adversary and that this is going to be a long and bloody battle that in truth, despite raging for the last century, nevertheless, is JUST GETTING STARTED.


Qodsna: If the Islamic revolution of Iran had not happened, how would be the equations in Palestine, the region and the international sphere?

Mark Glenn: As I said in my earlier response, had ‘1979’ never happened, the world–and especially the Middle East–would be a much different place. It is only because of the lacerations and wounds which the axis of Resistance led by the IRI have inflicted upon this diabolical monster known as the Jewish state that has caused her to recoil in fear and which has to a great degree halted her advance upon the world.


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