Thursday 02 May 2024

Identity crisis
most important problems of Israel

Mojtaba Rahmandust

Mojtaba Rahmandust, university professor and senior member of Parliament described identity crisis as the most important problem of the Zionist regime in the internal sphere.


Tehran (qodsna)- Pointing to the holding the fifth parliamentary elections in the occupied territories and selecting Binyamin Netanyahu, head of the Likud party to form new Zionist government, Rahmandust told qodsna that: Netanyahu is not a new phenomenon in the politics of the Zionist regime, so the Zionist community does not expect any miracles from him. In his past terms as prime minister, he had enough opportunities to attract the opinion of the Jews, but he was not successful in this matter, and it is natural that there will not be a positive view of him from the Zionists in the new term.


He believes that racial discrimination among the Jews themselves, the security crisis throughout the occupied territories, including the 48 territories and the West Bank, the ineffectiveness of the Zionist governments from the past until now in gaining the satisfaction of the Jewish community are among the other growing problems of the Zionist regime.


The former Secretary General of the Iran- based society in Defense of the Palestinian Nation (SDPN) considers the non-fulfillment of the slogan "Greater Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates" as another challenge of the Zionist regime.  


Pointing to the spread of conflicts in the West Bank and the type of interaction of the new Zionist government with it, former member of Parliament said that "the West Bank has completely collapsed in terms of security and is uncontrollable. Therefore, it does not matter anymore that Who will take the helm of the Zionist cabinet, this has nothing to do with Netanyahu or anyone else.



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