Monday 10 June 2024
American writer in interview with Qodsna:

Israelis’ hubris to be large part of their downfall

An American writer told Qodsna that the Zionist regime pretended to be a caring regime but they dropped that pretense and such an arrogant behavior paves the way for their downfall.

Albanian historian in interview with Qodsna:

Axis of resistance inspired by Imam Khomeini’s Islamic Revolution

An Albanian historian told Qodsna that Imam Khomeini’s teachings and Islamic Revolution helped Muslim nations to establish the axis of resistance to stand against British-Zionist plot.


Yemeni ballistic missile strike causing damage to 2 ships

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) confirmed on Sunday that Yemen's missile attacks damaged two commercial vessels in the Gulf of Aden in the last 24 hours.

Colombia imposes ban on coal export to Zionist regime

The Zionist regime is facing more international isolation as Colombia has announced to halt coal exports, becoming the first Latin American country to impose a trade embargo over the Zionist regime’s ongoing genocide in the Gaza Strip.

Cuba censures Zionist regime over Nuseirat massacre

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodríguez says the recent Zionist massacre of people in the central Gaza Strip is another document showing the regime's genocide against Palestinians.

Death toll of massacre in Nuseirat rises to 274

The Palestinian death toll resulting from the horrific massacre committed yesterday by Zionist occupation forces in the Nuseirat refugee camp, in central Gaza, has risen to 274, with nearly 700 people sustaining injuries, mostly civilians.

Iran holds Phoenix Pen Award to honor Gaza war journalists

Iran holds the "Phoenix Pen Award" ceremony in capital Tehran to honor the winners of the "Phoenix Pen" media campaign and commemorate the memory of Gaza's martyr journalists.

Iran acting FM:

Islamic Republic among ‘loudest voices’ against Zionist atrocities

The acting foreign minister says Iran is one of the countries that have raised “the loudest voices” against the Zionist regime’s genocidal war crimes in the Gaza Strip.

Al-Nujaba warns Zionist regime, US against foolish acts in Iraq

The head of Iraq’s Harakat Hezbollah al-Nujaba has warned that any foolish act by the Zionist regime would be met with a harsh response against both Zionists and the US.

Doctors Without Borders:

Situation at Gaza’s Al-Aqsa Hospital ‘nightmare’

Coordinator of the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Gaza Samuel Johann has said, "It's a nightmare at Al-Aqsa” Hospital following a recent bombardment of some areas in the Gaza Strip.

EU policy chief:

Israeli bloodbath in Gaza must end immediately

European Union Foreign Policy Chief, Josep Borrell has condemned one more Zionist massacre of more than 200 Palestinians in Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp.

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