Monday 06 May 2024

Three key points
on Syria’s upcoming election

Mehdi Shakibaee

Qodsna (Tehran)- Syrian government enjoying great support from resistance axis, could strengthen army and defense power foiling Zionist regime’s plots. Some key points are highlighted about upcoming presidential election to be held in Syria soon.


1. In every society, election is the manifestation of people participation in deciding their destiny. Governments emerged from election votes, are symbol of Nations’ wills. Such governments enjoy great legitimacy based on peoples’ votes. Evolving trends have been seen in Syria political system in recent years. In the past, just one political party was legitimate but nowadays different parties compete for votes in Syria elections.


2. Basically, Syria’s enemies are after political system change in this country by blowing terrorist wars. But resistance of Syrian people, government and army foiled the plots. Tolerating heavy losses, enemies of Syria focused on disintegration plot and creating crisis. On the other hand, Syria has a unique geological situation and is a gateway between East and West. So, in response to security threats, Zionist regime orchestrated terrorist wars in this country.


3. Syrian government enjoying great support from resistance axis, could strengthen army and defense power foiling Zionist regime’s plots. Zionist regime seeks to hamper Syria’s army power escalation by continued attacks on Syria and prevent Syrian army from carrying out a string of clean-up terrorist operations. Due to domestic political unsustainability, Covid 19 pandemic consequences, severe economic crisis, Zionist officials prevent entering all-out war with Syria. In fact, despite some military moves in regime, Zionist regime suffers great concern of conducting all-out war against Syria.

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