Tuesday 07 May 2024 
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Hamas statement on Zionist settlers’ incursions into al-Aqsa Mosque

Hamas Spokesman Hazem Qasem describes the increasing raids of Zionist settlers into Al-Aqsa Mosque as an implementation of Judaisation plan sponsored by the Israeli occupation government.

The increase of Israeli settlers’ raids into Al-Aqsa Mosque aims to accelerate the enforcement of a new dangerous reality in the Muslim compound, as well as it is an implementation of Judaisation plan sponsored by the Israeli occupation government, Hamas Spokesman said in a statement.


This reflects a significant disregard shown by the Israeli occupation establishment to the feelings of all Muslims around the world and the Arab governments in particular, Qasem added.


The increasing threats facing Al-Aqsa Mosque require mass popular and official actions to protect it. All Palestinian worshippers have to visit and defend the Muslim complex.


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