Saturday 04 May 2024

Annexation plan intensifies
more repression and siege
against Palestinians

"Khalid Jaradat"

Khaled Jaradat, a senior member of the political bureau of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad Movement, in an exclusive interview to Qodsna explained about the annexation plan of the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

He urged that the annexation plan will bring more chaos to the whole situation and said: “Palestinians and the world should not remain silent against this plan. The annexation plan means the suppression of the Palestinian nation, the annexation plan intensifies the starvation of the Palestinian people, the annexation plan expands the siege against the defenseless and oppressed nation of Palestine.”

If you look at the history of Israel, you will see a history full of crimes and genocide against the Palestinian people; But in last two decades we have witnessed a significant change. During these decades, the Zionist regime was confronted by the resistance front. The resistance was indeed successful in making collateral damage and gained deterrence power, this has brought back hope to the people of Palestine

Some analysts believe that Abu Obaidah's speech is contributed to the postponement of implementing the annexation plan, regarding this issue he replied: “Abu Obaida is also a Palestinian when he issues an announcement, he doesn’t stand for a party or two,  but he speaks on the behalf of Palestinian people and  addresses  the occupiers. Abu Obaida shouts out the toughness and resilience of the commanders and soldiers of the Palestinian resistance.”

Undoubtedly, Abu Obaida also played a direct and serious role in the possible delay of the accession plan, but more important than him is the role of the United States in this field.

"Americans play an important role in implementing or postponing the annexation plan. Donald Trump is changing his views on the occupation of Palestinian lands in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley on daily basis," said the senior member of the Islamic Jihad Movement's political bureau. Trump knows that with the implementation of this plan in the region, a devastating war will be ignited against Israel in the region so he postpones the plan, but from other hand, he gathers support from Arab regimes, Europeans and also guaranties the silence of United Nations Security Council  to make room to  implement the annexation plan.

He also praised the support provided by some world leaders for confronting the annexation of Palestinian lands: "The Palestinian cause is known all over the world." Many countries and independent nations in the world, including some European countries, provided support to the Palestinian people and they did not remain silent against leaders from the occupying regime. We praise their work.

In many historical sensitive moments, the same European countries, postponed their support to us and did not help Palestine intime, intentionally.

Regarding the possibility of the dissolution of the Zionist regime's parliament, I must say that it is true that the Israeli political leaders are doing their best to challenge each other in whatever dimension, meanwhile, they are using the annexation plan as win card, but I truly believe that implementing the annexation plan will not lead to holding the fourth election.

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