Sunday 05 May 2024

Abbas failures, led to occupation of al-Quds

Palestine could have been more graceful, without endless so called peace talks, if autocratic Fatah’s Abbas have just decided to remain with resistance and complete a confrontation line against the Zionist regime.

Palestinians in the West Bank are very unhappy these days, from Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, to Fatah movements’ impotence and failure to take any effort against the controversial unilateral al-Quds decision by Trump. Seemingly protests in the Palestine were not enough to confront the decision, but the only option left for Palestinian to save their homeland is Intifada which resistance groups like Hamas and Islamic Jihad have called for.


Officially the presidency of the Palestinian Authority (PA) ended in January, 2009, and ever since after that, he has not called for elections since.  This month will mark the 9th year that Abbas has held the office of President of the PA without a mandate from the people.  Worse yet, Abbas’ Fatah party was kicked out of the Gaza Strip in 2007 by Hamas, which won a parliamentary majority in elections.  The autocratic Abbas, in the words of Palestinian civil and human rights activist, Bassem Eid, “represents only his wife and three sons.”


Mahmoud Abbas is responsible for attempting to accept so called peace talks, specifically a deal offered to him in 2008 by the Zionist regime Prime Minister Ehud Olmert.  In a New York Times article (June 11, 2011), Olmert said that he and Abbas were very close to a peace deal two years earlier, not mentioning their so called peace talks led into Gaza war and left thousands of Palestinian killed and wounded. 


In a disgraceful interview with the New York Times, Olmert revealed that the two sides had agreed on key principles: the state of Palestine would have no military; instead an American-led international security force, would be stationed on Palestinian borders -Jerusalem would be shared, with the holy sites overseen by a multinational committee (not mentioning a history of settlers invasion to al-Aqsa mosque); and a limited number of Palestinian refugees would be permitted back into what it  would be called Israel.  The two agreed that Israel would keep some land in the West Bank on which settlements had been built, but disagreed on how much. In general the peace agreement was rather an official flag for Palestine apart from any freedom to Palestinians.


Abbas ignored that what it was taken by force can only be brought back by force; instead he has sought to challenge Israel at the UN, and in other international agencies, hoping to create a Palestinian state through the UN, without resistance movements.


There has always been a disagreement to reconciliation deals between from resistance movements.  In October of last year, the Cairo talks between the two parties under Egyptian mediation seemed hopeful, to bring Abbas into resistance ideology against the aggressive occupation from Israel, but Fatah’s hope to maintain a Palestinian nation by peace talks to Israel failed the deal, just like the previous six that preceded it. In the meantime, Fatah witnessed three wars initiated by Israel entering Gaza strip from air, land and sea which brought disgrace to Fatah, and caused Hamas to gain a winning figure in Gaza Strip, where Israel has cut off electricity and water to people on the basis of their resistance to Israeli occupation.


Palestine could have been more graceful, without endless so called peace talks, if autocratic Fatah’s Abbas have just decided to remain with resistance and complete a confrontation line against the Zionist regime.


While the Palestinian issue is still not a unifying subject among the Arab states, the wars in Syria, Yemen and civil war in Libya, have shifted the focus of Islamic nations away from the Palestine’s resistance to the occupation.  Arab countries haven’t offered more than empty condemnations over the U.S. decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.  Saudi Arabia is keener on maintaining Israel as a strategic ally against Iran, while the Palestinians consider the U.S. administration peace plans insulting, the Saudis call the U.S. peace plan serious, and have pressured Abbas to support it.

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