Friday 03 May 2024

Zionist regime funds $75m as anti-BDS project

Zionist regime has approved a plan to invest £53m ($72m) to confront the boycott Israel campaign.


Zionist regime has approved a plan to invest £53m ($72m) to confront the boycott Israel campaign.


This plan would entail the largest monetary investment yet by Zionst regime specifically towards a combat against global Boycott against Israel, Divestments and Sanctions campaign. It was announced last week to the zionist cabinet and approved as an executive order.


The plan calls for setting up a not-for-profit organization whose board will be made up from the regime’s officials, as reported by Timesofisrael. The ($75 m) budget will come partly from the regime’s accounts and partly from pro-zionist communities abroad. The report did not say when the new organization would become operational or even established formally.


The organisation would operate on  regular basis to apply pressures to artists, performers and commercial enterprises who seek to engage with Israel. It would also shift into high gear at sensitive times such as anti-Israel votes at international forums.


The new organization plans to open ways to include public campaigns, lobbying, arranging for so called solidarity visits to occupied lands by pro-Zionist opinion shapers, social media presence and also interacting with pro-Zionist organizations worldwide for coordinated action with a focus on Europe.

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