Monday 03 June 2024
IRI Leader:

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm hastens destruction of Zionist regime

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has emphasized that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm has put the Zionist regime in the path of destruction and elimination.

IRI General Staff of Armed Forces:

Imam Khomeini’s ideals still inspiring global liberation movements

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran says ideals introduced by late Imam Khomeini are still inspiring liberation movements around the world.

Zionist settlers believe Hamas to maintain control over Gaza

A survey conducted by the Zionist Radio and Television Organization shows that the majority of Israelis believe the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas will maintain its control over the Gaza Strip.

IRI Leader:

Operation Al-Aqsa Storm hastens destruction of Zionist regime

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has emphasized that Operation Al-Aqsa Storm has put the Zionist regime in the path of destruction and elimination.

American Rabbi in interview with Qodsna:

Imam Khomeini has beautiful legacy in differentiating Judaism from Zionism

An American Jewish activist and spokesman told Qodsna that late Imam Khomeini respected Jewish people and religion, while denounced Zionism as fake entity.

Iran marks Imam Khomeini’s 35th demise anniversary

Iranians from all walks of life have attended a ceremony to commemorate the late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini on Monday morning on the 35th anniversary of his passing.

Latest development in Gaza as number of martyrs rises to 36,439

At least 36,439 Palestinians have been martyred in the Zionist regime’s ongoing offensive on the Gaza Strip since last October, the Health Ministry in the besieged enclave said on Sunday.

Hamas to review US Gaza ceasefire plan in full

Senior Member of Palestine’s Hamas resistance movement Mousa Mohammed Abu Marzouk has said that the Gaza ceasefire proposal, which was laid out by US President Joe Biden, is principles that Hamas views as positive but needs to review them completely.

Zionist mayor:

All Israeli positions within range of Hezbollah missiles

A Zionist mayor has admitted to the power of the drones and missiles of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, which inflicted devastating blows on northern Zionist-occupied territories.

Defense minister:

Netherlands halts delivery of F-35 parts to Israel since court ruling

The Netherlands has stopped delivering parts for F-35 fighter jets used by Israel in its war against the Gaza Strip after a Dutch court ruling, according to the Dutch minister of defense.

France bans Zionist delegation from arms expo

France has banned Zionist companies from attending this year’s annual Eurosatory arms and defense industry exhibition next month, media outlets have reported.

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