Saturday 08 June 2024

Zionist regime faces academic boycott in Italy

Pro-Palestine demonstrations continue across Italy while an increasing number of Italian universities are voicing their firm opposition to Israel's massacres in Gaza and the West Bank through boycott campaigns.

Zionist regime faces academic boycott in Italy

Pro-Palestine demonstrations continue across Italy while an increasing number of Italian universities are voicing their firm opposition to Israel's massacres in Gaza and the West Bank through boycott campaigns.

Iran: Palestine tragedy will not end unless US, Europe halt support for Israel

Iran’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Nasser Kan’ani has deplored the unwavering support of the United States and Europe for Israel, saying a complete end to such an approach is the sole way to stop the ongoing horrific tragedy in the occupied Palestinian territories.

Yemen, Iraqi resistance carry out joint operations against Zionist regime

Yemeni armed forces and Islamic Resistance forces in Iraq have launched new joint operations against the Zionist regime over its genocidal war against the Palestinians in Gaza. 

Zionists use white phosphorous against residential buildings in Lebanon

Human Rights Watch has reported that the Zionist military employed white phosphorus munitions, prohibited in residential zones globally, in an assault on 17 Lebanese settlements.

New York Times:

Israel Secretly Targets US Lawmakers with Influence Campaign on Gaza War

The New York Times reported that the Zionist regime secretly organized and funded an influence campaign targeting US lawmakers and the American public to foster support for its actions during the war with Gaza.

Slovenian parliament votes for recognition of Palestinian state

Slovenian Foreign Minister Tanja Fajon says her country has recognized Palestine as an independent state.

Hamas official:

Atrocities against prisoners among main issues of uprisings

Hamas has roundly denounced the ongoing atrocities against Palestinian prisoners at Zionist jails, stressing that an end to their sufferings at the hands of the Tel Aviv regime was among the core issues of the large-scale surprise operation launched by Gaza-based resistance groups last October.

66 Palestinians martyred in day 243 of Gaza genocide

At least 66 Palestinian civilians have been martyred in the past 24 hours by Zionist strikes on central Gaza.

Revival of Palestinian issue, Imam Khomeini’s heritage

A seminar about Imam Khomeini’s ideology on Palestine was held in Pakistan while the participants believed that the revival of the issue of Palestine is his eternal heritage.

Brazilian activist in interview with Qodsna:

Entire world understands Imam Khomeini’s rightful stance on Palestinian issue

A Brazilian pro-Palestine activist told Qodsna that Imam Khomeini as one of the flagbearers of pursuing the Palestinian cause, followed up the issue as a matter of principle.

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