Informed Palestinian sources said the heads of ten influential Palestinian groups will visit Tehran soon.
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Final declaration of Istanbul conference rejected normalization of ties with the Zionist regime.
Final declaration of Istanbul conference rejected normalization of ties with the Zionist regime.
Istanbul declaration rejected any normalization of ties with the Zionist regime and described resistance as the unique solution to the Palestinian problems.
Istanbul declaration rejected any normalization of ties with the Zionist regime and described resistance as the unique solution to the Palestinian problems.
Azzam: No Decree Can Terminate Resistance
Azzam: No Decree Can Terminate Resistance
Imrisoned Hamas legislators denounced Zionist plot to seize Al Aqsa Mosque.
Imrisoned Hamas legislators denounced Zionist plot to seize Al Aqsa Mosque.
Imprisoned Hamas legislators denounced Zionist plot to seize Al Aqsa Mosque.
Imprisoned Hamas legislators denounced Zionist plot to seize Al Aqsa Mosque.
British author and vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water, Dr. Stephan Sizer described the international Qods conference in Istanbul as an important conference whose agenda will be helpful to find ways out of the Palestinian crisis.
British author and vicar of Christ Church, Virginia Water, Dr. Stephan Sizer described the international Qods conference in Istanbul as an important conference whose agenda will be helpful to find ways out of the Palestinian crisis.
Ayatollah Taskhiri: Palestine is symbol of resistance against tyrants
Ayatollah Taskhiri: Palestine is symbol of resistance against tyrants
Member of Lebanese Muslims Assembly, Sheikh Maher Mezher described Annapolis meeting as a clear affront to all Arabs and freedom seekers in the world.
Member of Lebanese Muslims Assembly, Sheikh Maher Mezher described Annapolis meeting as a clear affront to all Arabs and freedom seekers in the world.
Istanbul Conference suffers lack of necessary momentum to counteract Annapolis confab
Istanbul Conference suffers lack of necessary momentum to counteract Annapolis confab
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