Syrian Speaker told Qodsna: Annapolis meeting is doomed to worse than Oslo's fate.
Syrian Speaker told Qodsna: Annapolis meeting is doomed to worse than Oslo's fate.
Informed Palestinian sources said heads of ten Palestinian groups will visit Tehran soon.
Informed Palestinian sources said heads of ten Palestinian groups will visit Tehran soon.
Informed Palestinian sources said the heads of ten influential Palestinian groups will visit Tehran soon.
Informed Palestinian sources said the heads of ten influential Palestinian groups will visit Tehran soon.
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Mohtashami Pour: Istanbul Conference urged Arab heads to block Annapolis meeting
Final declaration of Istanbul conference rejected normalization of ties with the Zionist regime.
Final declaration of Istanbul conference rejected normalization of ties with the Zionist regime.
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