Saturday 27 July 2024
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Israel mulls over law allowing execution of Palestinian captives

Israel mulls over law allowing execution of Palestinian captives

The Palestinian Commission of Detainees’ and Ex-Detainees’ Affairs has warned of official Israeli intents to promote and endorse racist legislation that allow the execution of “Palestinian prisoners” convicted by Israeli courts of committing murder.

Over 70 violations against Palestinian digital content in November

Over 70 violations against Palestinian digital content in November

Sada Social Center, a Ramallah-based social media rights group, said in a fresh report it has documented more than 72 digital violations against the Palestinian content on the social media platforms in November, including the removal of 40 accounts and pages.

UN official calls for dismantling Israel’s illegal occupation

UN official calls for dismantling Israel’s illegal occupation

Israel’s occupation is illegal and indistinguishable from settler-colonialism, which must end as a pre-condition for the Palestinians to exercise their right to self-determination, the UN’s independent expert on the occupied Palestinian territory said Thursday.

Family of Palestinian who died in Israeli detention rejects compensation

Family of Palestinian who died in Israeli detention rejects compensation

The family of an elderly Palestinian-American man, Omar Abdalmajeed As’ad, who died after being forcibly detained, blindfolded and handcuffed by Israeli soldiers, has vehemently rejected a claim from Israeli authorities that the parties have reached a compensation settlement.

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