Saturday 27 July 2024
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A true story:
Trail of the Wolf

A true story:
Trail of the Wolf

Many years ago, when the World War I reached the Arab States territory, a British Zionist politician wrote a letter including a proposition to both the British Cabinet and House of Commons of the United Kingdom, saying:

Israel planned atomic explosion in 1967 war

Israel planned atomic explosion in 1967 war

Israel developed a secret contingency plan to move an atomic device atop a mountain in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula and detonate it in a display of force during the Six-Day War in 1967

Over 3,000 Palestinian minors murdered since 2000

Over 3,000 Palestinian minors murdered since 2000

Palestinian officials say Israeli military forces have killed 3,000 Palestinian minors and injured many more since the Second Intifada (uprising), also known as the al-Aqsa Intifada, took place in September 2000.

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