Saturday 27 July 2024
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Harvard University student newspaper endorses BDS movement

Harvard University student newspaper endorses BDS movement

Harvard University's student-run daily newspaper has announced its support for and endorsement of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign against the Israeli occupation, making it one of the most significant steps by an American university against the occupation.

Pro-palestinian group protests during Israel Block Party in Austin

Pro-palestinian group protests during Israel Block Party in Austin

Members of the Palestine Solidarity Committee hold signs and banners during a protest against the Israeli Block Party event in Austin on Tuesday. Protesters gathered near the McCombs School of Business across the street on Speedway from the Israeli Block Party event.

Major academic organization backs BDS vote in blow to Israel

Major academic organization backs BDS vote in blow to Israel

The Middle East Studies Association (MESA) has voted in favour of a resolution condemning Israel for its 'systematic violations' against Palestinians and calling for boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israeli institutions.

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