Monday 17 June 2024
Middle East Monitor:

Slaughter of Palestinian scholars in Gaza deliberate Israeli tactic

In an article published by the Middle East Monitor, Palestinian activist Wafa Aludaini analyzed the Zionist regime’s deliberate tactic to eliminate scholars in Gaza.

Tehran, Qodsna - Throughout the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the occupying forces have deliberately targeted and assassinated dozens of Palestinian scholars, scientists, academics, and researchers along with their families.


Many of those killed were highly qualified individuals whose work had a positive impact on Palestinian society, including Dr. Khitam Elwasifi, Dr. Refaat Alareer, and Dr. Sufyan Tayeh.


The occupation's systematic targeting of Palestinian intellectuals is intended to impact the social fabric and development of Palestinian society by eliminating key figures who influence and shape the future. This tactic is part of the occupation's broader efforts to create unlivable conditions in Gaza and force the population to emigrate.


In addition to assassinating academics, the occupation has also destroyed Gaza's universities and educational infrastructure, turning some into military barracks and detention centers.


This systematic assault on Palestinian education and culture is a longstanding historical practice by the regime, extending beyond Gaza to the assassinations of Iraqi and Malaysian scholars as well.


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