Monday 17 June 2024
Iran official:

Zionist regime must accept deterrent power of resistance

The Zionist regime must accept and respect the deterrent power of the Lebanese resistance movement Hezbollah, when numerous changes are happening.

Tehran, Qodsna – Secretary of the Strategic Council of Foreign Relations Abbas Araghchi said. “Now the myth of Israel has collapsed. Now Israel must respect the deterrent power that Hezbollah has established since the 2006 July war. The situation has changed, and many changes are on the way.”


Araghchi made the remarks in Duha, Qatar, on Sunday during an Al Jazeera TV seminar dubbed “Equation after Operation Al-Aqsa storm at regional level,” pointing to United States Senator Lindsey Graham’s support for the usage of atomic bombs against Gaza.


He also noted that an atomic threat by the Zionist regime will change the security equation in the West Asia region and it will prompt others to revise their nuclear stance.


Araghchi argued that the Zionist regime had not ruled out possessing nuclear weapons, which shows its policy to pursue strategic ambiguity, but Zionist officials have been forced to change the strategy following the war on Gaza.


He went on to say that statements by hawkish Zionist officials do not limit themselves to mere rhetoric, but the firebrand Zionist cabinet may resort to these weapons.


The official also said that the West Asia region should be free from any atomic arms and the Zionist regime must be disarmed of nuclear weapons.


Elsewhere in his remarks, he underlined that the Islamic Republic of Iran sees the so-called two-state solution for the Palestinian issue as the betrayal of the Palestinian cause, because this proposal cannot be successful due to the fact that the Zionist regime cannot accept it.


Iran proposes the formation of a unified state based on a referendum to be participated by all its original residents, including Muslims, Jews and Christians, he added.

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