Monday 17 June 2024

The latest developments regarding Zionist onslaught in Gaza

Zionist occupation forces persist in their ground onslaught on Rafah, south of the Gaza Strip, and the closure of the Karm Abu Salem and Rafah border crossings in the province, disregarding the recent rulings of the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

Tehran, Qodsna - The ICJ, the highest judicial body of the United Nations, ordered the Zionist regime on Friday to immediately halt its military operations in Rafah. The court also emphasized the necessity of keeping the Rafah border crossing with Egypt, Gaza's only gateway to the outside world, open to enable the entry of humanitarian aid into Gaza.


In a clear defiance of the court's orders, Zionist forces intensified their aggression on Rafah, with warplanes and artillery targeting multiple areas in the city during the last few hours, resulting in the martyrdom of dozens and injuries, including among children, as well as significant destruction to the homes and properties of civilians.


The occupation forces have also prevented life-saving aid and supplies from entering the besieged Gaza Strip for twenty days, exacerbating the humanitarian catastrophe and putting civilians face to face with death.


At least 35,903 people have been martyred and 80,420 wounded in the war on Gaza since October 7.

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