Sunday 16 June 2024
IRI Leader:

Support for Zionist crimes reveal real face of West human rights

The Leader of the Islamic Revolution has said the Western states’ support for the Zionist regime’s atrocities in Gaza show the true colors of the Western human rights and freedom.

Tehran, Qodsna - The Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei stated that the brutal massacre of the Palestinian civilians in Gaza and the West’s support for the Zionist regime reveal the real meaning of Western human rights and freedom in the eyes of the awakened consciences.


In a message on the occasion of the beginning of the sixth term of the Assembly of Experts for Leadership, the Supreme Leader invited the entire world to ponder the comprehensive, steadfast, problem-solving, attractive and amazing system of Islamic governance.


The Leader has described the initiation of the new term of the Assembly of Experts for Leadership as the manifestation of Islamic democracy.


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