Saturday 27 July 2024

Iranians voice support for Palestinians on Islamic Revolution anniversary rallies

Millions of Iranians, taking part in 45th anniversary of Islamic Revolution victory, reiterate that the blood of Palestinian martyrs will accelerate liberation of Al-Quds.

Tehran (qodsna)- Seyed Ali Alavi, one of the participants in rallies, talking to Qodsna's reporter said: Zionist regime's inability in achieving goals in 4-month-long Gaza war, indicates that Palestinian resistance is always victorious and global arrogance's plot to defeat Palestinians is doomed to failure.



Mrs. Hashemi, another attendee of the marches said: Palestinian people are fighting fiercely against Zionist enemy, and the blood of martyrs will accelerate liberation of Al-Quds.

Today, not only the people of Iran, but all the freedom-seeking people in the world support Palestinians, she added.




Abolfazl Darvishi, teenager attendee of the rally, told Qodsana: Iranians spare no efforts in supporting Gazans. May the Palestinian people win and celebrate their victory like the Iranian people! he noted.



Hamid Alipourian, who joined the rallies with his family stresses that the Palestinian people will be victorious, because this is a divine promise, and whoever fights in the way of God, will gain victory.



Ali Fitras and Fatemeh Karbalai, a young couple participating in rallies, said: We have come here today to say that we are standing by Iran revolution and also to say that the people of Gaza are not left alone and Iranian people support them in any situation.



Fatemeh Qaini, another participant of Iran revolution victory's marches noted that resistance and spirit of resistance play key role in victory of Palestinians and liberation of Al-Quds.


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