Wednesday 23 October 2024

Hamas calls on the Palestinians to continue their legitimate struggle

The Hamas Movement called on Palestinian people at home and abroad to continue their legitimate struggle, by all possible means, in defense of the Palestinian national constants, land, and Islamic and Christian sanctities.

Commemorating the 27th anniversary of the tunnel uprising in a statement on Monday, the Movement called on the Arab and Islamic nations, leaders, and peoples to assume their responsibilities in protecting and defending the Aqsa Mosque, supporting the steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their legitimate struggle, and standing firmly against the Israeli attempts and suspicious plans targeting Jerusalem and the holy site.


"The uprising anniversary coincides with the escalating barbaric aggression practiced by the fascist occupation government against our sanctities in Occupied Jerusalem, Aqsa Mosque, and all our people in the West Bank," the Movement said.


The Movement further vowed that the martyrs' blood will remain the fuel for the Palestinian freedom struggle against the Israeli occupation.


"All the Israeli occupation's crimes will not give it the alleged legitimacy over an inch of our land and our sanctities," it continued.


Today marks the 27th anniversary of the outbreak of the tunnel uprising against the Israeli government's decision to open a tunnel under the Aqsa Mosque’s western wall. 63 Palestinians were martyred and more than 1,600 others were injured during the events.



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