Wednesday 23 October 2024

Pro-Palestinian activist disrupts a military parade in Leicester

A pro-Palestinian activist disrupted a military parade in Leicester, England, on Saturday, demanding that the Israeli arms firm Elbit be shut down.

The activist held a large black banner reading "Shut Down Elbit", a factory that makes combat drones for the Israeli military.


In a video footage that went viral on social media, the activist was seen being taken away by the security forces.


Following a three-year protest campaign by activists against the arms trade and in support of Palestinian rights, Israeli arms company Elbit Systems announced that it will vacate the Elbit Ferranti factory in Oldham, a town in northwest England.


Elbit insists the sale was part of a restructuring strategy in the United Kingdom.


Yet, campaigners have made clear they will continue their actions until Elbit, and all Israeli arms companies, no longer operate in the UK.





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