Saturday 27 July 2024

Dozens of Palestinian citizens injured in IOF attacks in West Bank

Dozens of Palestinian citizens, including a child, were injured on Friday after Israeli occupation forces (IOF) fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs to quell the weekly anti-settlement marches in several areas of the West Bank.

A Palestinian child was injured in the hand by a tear gas bomb while dozens suffered breathing problems in Beit Dajan, east of Nablus, according to Ahmad Jibril, the head of the Emergency and Ambulance Department at the Palestinian Red Crescent Society.


Meanwhile, a number of Palestinian citizens were injured after Israeli soldiers fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs at Palestinian protestors in Kafr Qaddoum to the east of Qalqilya.


In a related development, armed clashes were reported between Palestinian resistance fighters and Israeli troops near a military area on Mount Jirzim to the south of Nablus.


In another development, the IOF arrested foreign activists who participated in a march to the south of al-Khalil, Palestinian activist Usamah Makhamrah told WAFA news agency.


Activists Makhamrah underlined that the march called for reopening al-Karmil road that links the Masafer communities with Yatta town.


Moreover, Jewish settlers grazed their sheep on Palestinian lands in al-Samra area in Masafer Yatta, causing destruction to hundreds of olive and almond trees in addition to vineyards belonging to Palestinian citizens, according to local sources.


Furthermore, IOF fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas bombs to facilitate Jewish settlers’ raids into Ein el-Sultan camp, Tel Jericho in the ancient city, and the archaeological site in Wadi Qelt in Jericho, which triggered clashes between Palestinian youths and the settlers.



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