Friday 20 September 2024

Quds Day prevented the Jews from
gaining complete control of Al-Quds

Mark Glenn

Tehran (qodsna)- The Late Imam Khomeini designated the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as International Quds Day in order to open a new phase of solidarity with Palestinians and invite Muslim and freedom-loving nations to be vigilant in the face of Zionism and global arrogance.


Following is a full text of an interview of qodsna reporter with American political analyst, Mark Glenn about the importance of Quds Day and the effects of it on Palestinian equation. 


Q: Considering the developments across the occupied territories over the past years, what kind of change has International Quds Day brought about in the Palestinian equation?

A: In terms of Al Quds–Jerusalem–and the sacred day which Imam Khomeini (Rest in Peace) set aside for its remembrance, it is of paramount importance that all peoples in every corner of the globe understand exactly how DANGEROUS to the continuance of all life on earth is the presence of what is termed ‘the Jewish state’, or as is often said in certain circles, the ‘Zionist entity’.

Despite what has been a very cunning propaganda/disinformation campaign aimed at deluding the Gentile Christians and Muslims whose roots in Al Quds are deep and who possess the only legitimate claim to its holiness, the creation of the Zionist entity was never about creating a mere ‘homeland’ for the Jews.

Nor was it limited to 'settling' some small sliver of land on the eastern shores of the Mediterranean.

As made crystal clear in the various ‘prophetic’ writings which the Jews have used as their recipe book in cooking up this apocalyptic stew to serve to the world, it was FROM THE VERY BEGINNING OF ITS UNHOLY BIRTH about creating a totalitarian political/economic system that would rule the world with a rod of iron and with Jerusalem Al Quds as its headquarters.

Having said this, Imam Khomeini, may he rest in peace, in establishing a yearly day at the end of Ramadan where all Muslims devote and consecrate themselves to the liberation of Al Quds from the clutches of Satan’s children have in effect sanctified themselves to the salvation of the entire human race which is, as I already stated, mortally threatened with extermination if the Jews succeed in getting Jerusalem (Al-Quds) completely within their devilish grasp.



Q: In your opinion, what goals did Imam Khomeini have in mind by designating International Quds Day?

A: As stated previously, if the Jews succeed in completely devouring Jerusalem (Al-Quds) unto themselves, then another step forward will have been achieved in raising up this totalitarian system which these cursed people are planning to impose over the whole of humanity. It is much bigger than simply giving sanctification and honor to those prophets whom both Islam and true Christianity revere.


To the Jews, Jerusalem is a WEAPON, more dangerous and more deadly than the atomic weapons which they invented last century or the biological weapons such as Covid which they invented at the Israeli Institute of Biological Research in Dimona and then unleashed upon the world 3 years ago. These are people who are driven by the dark and lower spiritual energies emanating from Dajjal and who believe that once Jerusalem is within their grasp that they will have been given the green light to impose their plans upon humanity, just one example of which I quote below from one of their ‘prophetic’ books–

‘For the nation which will not bow down and serve you shall perish, it shall be utterly destroyed…’

This is what awaits humanity if the people of the world lose sight of Jerusalem/Al Quds.



Q: Considering the developments in Palestine, the region and the world, can it be said that International Quds Day has moved towards the realization of its goals?

A: As followers of both Jesus and Mohammed, we Christians and Muslims are taught that God is a multiplier of our meager efforts. When we bring ‘4’, He increases that to 4,000. We have the story of Jesus taking a few loaves of bread and a few fishes and multiplying them to feed 5,000 hungry people, and in that same way, what appears to be the meager efforts of those working for the liberation of Jerusalem/Al Quds, despite not yet having driven the Zionist entity back into the bowels of hell from which it gestated and was born, nevertheless can take comfort in the fact that these meager efforts of resistance on our part are what is keeping the world spinning on its axis today, and even with as chaotic as things are.

However, we must not lose sight of the fact that the Jews–again, driven by the dark and diabolical energies that they are–possess no moral restraints whatsoever when it comes to accomplishing their mission of devouring in its entirety Jerusalem/Al Quds. The history of the last century, and indeed, going all the way back 2,000 years in their conspiring to have both Jesus and Mohammed murdered reveals the manner in which they possess no hesitation or restraint when it comes to violence and deception, and they will indeed employ these tactics in getting Jerusalem within their grasp.



Q: What are the most important developments in Palestine that can be considered the blessings and results of the World Quds Day?

A: As already stated, the blessing is the fact that as of this moment, as a result of the Jews not yet having succeeded in getting Jerusalem/Al Quds within their bottomless bellies, the world continues to function, even if very chaotically these days. In fact, it is not an irrational statement in drawing a line between the chaos which the world is facing today, including even the natural disasters that are taking place, and the minute-by-minute encroachment of Jerusalem/Al Quds on the part of these evil-doers. Indeed, the international chaos is in effect a divine warning to all humanity of the danger that is approaching if the Jews succeed in devouring the city as they plan to do.


Q: Due to the revival of armed resistance in the West Bank and the internal challenges of the Zionist regime, what horizon do you foresee in the path of Israel's collapse?

A: Israel’s collapse, although it is certainly destined to take place, is not as imminent as some would like to imagine. Likewise, as much as all people of good will look forward to the day when this apocalyptic threat has been removed from human affairs, at the same time, we need to temper our longing for this day with some very unpleasant realities, a few of which I will list below.

Israel is a wild animal and every bit as dangerous as a giant alligator with an appetite for human misery and human blood. Furthermore, Israel knows it cannot deal with nations in the same manner as other nations–through diplomacy, fairness, equity, and reason, but must lord over others by holding a knife to their throats when making her demands.

Having said this, the wild animal Israel has over the course of her development, perfected various ‘doomsday’ weapons as described by former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky in his book ‘By Way of Deception’. These weapons are nuclear, biological, chemical, economic, and sociological. The nuclear and bio-weapons she has smuggled into every major city and every world capital under the cover of diplomatic pouch and is using the threat of releasing these weapons as blackmail against the most powerful nations of the world, including America. The fact that Iran faired so badly with the Covid epidemic was due to the fact that Israel developed a strain of that virus that would specifically target those of Persian descent and hit them harder than others.

Having said this, we need to be very honest with ourselves in our understanding of Israel’s collapse–it won’t be pretty, it will be Apocalyptic. As Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld put it many years ago, ‘We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.’

Indeed, as Jesus warned clearly, that unless those days be shortened, 'no flesh would survive...'


Q: Many governments claim to support the cause of Palestine. The Islamic Republic of Iran has defined support for the cause of Palestine as one of its priorities since the first day of the victory of the Islamic Revolution. Is there any difference between Iran and other governments in real support of Palestine?

A: On the issue of Palestine, and indeed on many issues and topics, the difference between Iran and the other Islamic governments is–in a word–STARK.

The other governments, while making noises about supporting the cause of Palestine, nevertheless bow to their masters when it comes to action. Following every major act of state-sponsored terrorism and bloodshed, whether in Gaza or the West Bank where innocent men, women and children are butchered and devoured by the wild animal known as the Jewish state, the governments simply turn their heads and wait for the public outrage to fade and then pass.


Only Iran backs up her words with actions, and in doing so, not only shames the rest of the Islamic world that does nothing, but as well, the Christian world that has aided and abetted in the unleashing of this monster upon the world. Persia was the first nation to pay homage to the Prince of Peace known as Jesus of Nazareth and in so doing, gave the world the celebration of Christmas, and it is no stretch of the imagination therefore to assume that because of this that it will be Persia and her dedication to the principles of resistance that will eventually usher in the period of peace which the world today sorely needs and truly desires.





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