Saturday 27 July 2024

Israeli military strikes targets in Lebanon following al-Aqsa retaliation

The Zionist regime’s military has announced striking certain targets inside Lebanon, from which dozens of rockets were fired earlier at the occupied territories in retaliation for the occupying regime's crackdown on Palestinian worshipers at the al-Aqsa Mosque's compound.

The regime's military made the announcement at 4:07 am (0107 GMT) on Friday, sufficing to say in a short statement that it "is currently striking in Lebanon," without providing further details.


Some reports specified the target of the attacks as the Rashidieh Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon, which is located south of the city of Tyre.


A Lebanese TV station reported explosions in the southern port city.


The announcement of the strikes came hours after around three dozen rockets were fired towards the occupied territories in retaliation for the Israeli regime's recurrent attacks on Palestinian worshipers at the holy compound -- Islam's third-holiest site, which is located in the Old City of the holy occupied city of al-Quds.


The violence has seen the regime's forces raiding the site and trying to evacuate the worshipers by firing stun grenades and rubber bullets. Worshipers threw objects at the Israeli troops in response.


The aggression began on Wednesday, when the forces attacked the compound, beating the Palestinian worshipers there before arresting and forcing out more than 350 of them. Dozens of Palestinians were wounded as a result of the troops' violence.


Also on Friday, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) cited Israeli officials as saying "they do not want war" with Lebanon.


Lebanon's resistance movement of Hezbollah fought off two Israeli wars against Lebanon in 2000 and 2006, forcing a humiliating retreat upon the Tel Aviv regime’s military in both cases.


The movement has vowed to resolutely defend Lebanon in case of any other Israeli-imposed warfare.

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