Saturday 27 July 2024

Zionist troops trigger 2nd flare-up at al-Aqsa in less than 24 hours

The Zionist regime's forces stage a second attack against the Palestinian worshippers at the al-Aqsa Mosque's compound, less than 24 hours after storming the site, and either rounding up or forcibly removing hundreds of people from there.

The second attack took place against the site -- Islam's third-holiest, which is located in the Old City of the holy occupied city of al-Quds -- on Wednesday.


It saw the regime's forces raiding the site and trying to evacuate the Palestinian worshipers by firing stun grenades and rubber bullets. Worshipers threw objects at the Israeli troops in response.


According to the Palestinian Red Crescent, at least six people were injured in the fresh flare-up.


Only hours earlier, the forces had attacked the compound, beating the Palestinian worshipers there before arresting and forcing out more than 350 of them. Dozens of Palestinians were wounded as a result of the troops' violence.


The Arab League's Ministerial Council vehemently condemned the first bout of Israeli aggression against the "defenseless worshipers in al-Aqsa Mosque."


"These attacks and crimes are a flagrant provocation to the feelings of believers everywhere, and threaten to ignite a spiral of violence that threatens security and stability in the region and the world," the Council warned.


Reacting to the Israeli aggression, resistance fighters based in the nearby Palestinian territory of the Gaza Strip fired at least nine rockets toward the occupied territories. The Zionist regime responded with airstrikes against the Tel Aviv-occupied coastal sliver.


Hamas, Gaza's main resistance group, did not claim to fire the projectiles, but said they were a response to the raid on the al-Aqsa Mosque's compound.


Back in 2021, the Israeli regime's savagery targeting the Palestinian worshipers at al-Aqsa prompted  Gaza's resistance outfits to fire thousands of rockets toward the occupied territories.

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