Saturday 27 July 2024

Iran FM: ICJ verdict highlights legitimacy of Iran's positions

Iran's foreign ministry reacted to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) verdict on Thursday, saying that the ruling showed Iran's legitimacy and the wrongful US behavior.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Thursday ruled that US seizure of Iranian assets was wrong and ordered Washington to pay compensation to Tehran, the amount of which will be determined later.


In reaction, Iran's foreign ministry issued a statement on Thursday evening praising the decision as highlighting the legitimacy of Iran positions and expressing the wrongful behavior of the United States.


"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the decision issued by the International Court of Justice shows the solidity of the arguments and rightness of Iran's demand," the foreign ministry statement said.


"In this important decision, the ICJ has rightly rejected all wrong defenses the US presented and stressed that it violated its obligations while it has recognized Iran as the rightful side. Obliging the United States to compensate for the losses [Iran has suffered] is the most important testimony to the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic of Iran's demand."


"The Islamic Republic of Iran considers the demand for the rights of the Iranian nation as one of its intrinsic duties and will use all diplomatic, legal and judicial means and methods to secure the rights of the noble Iranian people and the national interests of Iranians," the foreign ministry concluded.



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