Saturday 27 July 2024

Saudi Arabia, Arab Parliament slam Israeli bill on re-settlements

Saudi Arabia strongly condemned a decision taken by the occupying Israeli authorities to allow re-settlement in the areas of the northern West Bank.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed the Kingdom’s strong condemnation of this decision, which is a flagrant violation of all international laws, contributes to undermining regional and international peace efforts, obstructs political solutions based on the Arab Peace Initiative, and guarantees the establishment of a Palestinian state on the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem (Al-Quds) as its capital,” it said in a statement issued Thursday.


Along the same line, the Arab Parliament condemned the bill passed recently by the Knesset to allow the Jewish settlers to return to four settlement outposts in the occupied Palestinian West Bank.


The Israeli step is a provocative move meant to undermine the de-escalation effort; it is a serious violation of the international humanitarian law and the agreements signed by Israelis and Palestinians, including the recent ones signed in Aqaba, Jordan, and Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt, the Arab Parliament said in a press release on Thursday.


The Arab Parliament called on the international community, particularly the United States, to force Israel into backing down on any unilateral moves and halting the recurrent crimes against the Palestinian people.


The illegally built outposts of Homesh, Ganim, Kadim and Sa-Nur had been evacuated in 2005. 








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