Saturday 27 July 2024

Palestinian teen martyred by Zionists in Nablus

A 17-year-old Palestinian was martyred during the Zionist regime's forces raid on eastern Nablus in the West Bank.

The Palestinian was shot dead by Zionist troops after confronting them, news sources reported early Tuesday.


Zionist forces rearrested 3 Palestinian freed prisoners during the Nablus raid, the reports added.


Clashes were also reported between Palestinian Resistance forces and Zionists in the area of conflict.


On Monday, Zionist media reported that 7 Palestinians were martyred during the clashes in the city of Ariha.


Meanwhile, Palestinian sources reported that several Resistance forces were martyred during the skirmishes with Zionists but didn't provide an exact number.


During the past few days, especially after the launching of two operations in Quds which resulted in the death of 8 Zionists and the wounding of 12 of them, tensions have sharply increased in this city.


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