Saturday 27 July 2024

2023's deadliest day: Israeli forces gun down 10th Palestinian

Fresh from butchering nine Palestinians following a raid in the northern part of the occupied West Bank, Israeli forces gun down a 10th Palestinian during clashes in the holy occupied city of al-Quds.

Yusuf Muheisin succumbed to the serious injuries he had sustained during clashes that had erupted in the town of al-Ram in al-Quds on Thursday, the Palestinian Information Center news agency reported, citing the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority's health ministry.


The 22-year-old's martyrdom turned Thursday into the deadliest single day so far for Palestinians in the current year.


The nine others were martyred earlier in the day after scores of Israeli armored vehicles, which were packed with the regime's forces, raided the city of Jenin and the neighboring refugee camp.


Throughout the deadly raid, Israeli snipers also positioned themselves on the overlooking rooftops and heavily-armed troops began opening fire on the Palestinian youths, who were trying to block the invading forces' way.


Later during the day, thousands of mourners flooded Jenin's streets carrying the bodies of the martyrs overhead, and chanting slogans against the occupying regime.


Also on Thursday, the Palestinian Authority headed by Mahmoud Abbas said it had decided to suspend security coordination with the Israeli regime in the West Bank in reaction to the Jenin massacre.


"In light of the repeated aggression against our people, and the undermining of signed agreements, including security, we consider that security coordination with the Israeli occupation no longer exists as of now,” read a statement issued after a PA meeting.


Massive solidarity rallies were also held in the Tel Aviv-blockaded Gaza Strip, where Palestinian resistance movements vowed to avenge the martyrs.


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