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US a prisoner
of Israel

Canadian journalist

Eric Walberg: The US is a prisoner of Israel and Israel acts as the policeman for the US empire's interests in the middle east.


Tehran (Qodsna) – British political analyst, Canadian journalist and political expert Eric Walberg in an exclusive interview with Qods News Agency (qodsna) spoke about the reasons for the continuous support of the American governments to the Zionist regime, the hypocrisy of the West and the United States regarding the occupation and crimes of the Zionist regime, the silence of the American public circles and also the reason for the American opposition to the will of the Iranian people and the system of the Islamic Republic of Iran.



Here is the full text of interview:




Qodsna: Although the international associations have considered Israel's actions against the Palestinians as violating international laws, but all the American governments are not only unwilling to put pressure on this regime, but they continue to support it. Why?


Eric Walberg: The US is a prisoner of Israel. The Jewish centrality to modern imperialism through international banking and commercial wealth in the 'collective West' made the creation of Israel, a Jewish state in the heart of the Arab world, inevitable as Biden loudly joked. It acts as the policeman for the US empire's interests in the middle east. As long as American foreign policy is devoted to servicing the empire through wars, subversion and economic terrorism, there will be no change.



Qodsna:  According to UN Resolution 181, Israel is defined as an occupying power in at least 45% of the Palestinian territories. The West and especially America are not intended to end the Israel’s occupation. But in the case of Iraq's occupation of Kuwait, U.S. as the head of a coalition, attacked Iraq and Kuwait was freed from Iraq's occupation. How do you evaluate this contradictory behavior?


Eric Walberg: The US is not so much a 'Judeo-Christian state' as a Judaic state. There are more Congress holidays for Jewish holidays (Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, and Hanukkah), than Christian holidays for Christmas and Easter. And these Christian holidays are now just 'season's greetings', as commercial and multicultural interests have bled the religious content. Jewish holidays, however, are still observed seriously, even by mostly secular Jews.



Qodsna:  When Joe Biden was a senator, he has said that even if Israel did not exist, America should have created it! He has mentioned a similar phrase recently. Doesn't this type of view in terms of security, endanger the establishment of global peace and security? Is this not a confirmation that the existence of Israel is the root of insecurity in West Asia?


Eric Walberg: Biden is the perfect example of what Zionism means. Three of his four children married Jews, and they have relations and close ties in Isreal. He has been worshipful of Israel since at least 1967 and as vice president in 2009--2017 constantly joked about creating Israel, as it was essential to American foreign policy. A lawless smart operative, supplementing US moves. US-Israel is the biggest source of war and violence in the world.



Qodsna: Why is the American society silent about spending its taxes on American military projects in the world?


The US public is brainwashed. They accept whatever foreign policy is being fed to them. Everyone secretly thinks the US dollar is infallible only as long as the US government, Democrat or Republican, wages war around the world, protecting the US image of killer armed to the teeth. There is no democratic control of the military industrial complex and its stranglehold on American life. It is the bedrock of American imperialism.


Qodsna: With the Islamic Revolution, Iran got rid of the domination of a government which was dependent on the West, led by America, and tried to form a government based on the will of the people. What is the reason for U.S. opposition to the will of the Iranian people? And why does the U.S. follow the policies of changing the system from the very beginning?


Iran faces the same fate as all who defy the empire (Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia, China ...). Sanctions, subversion, destabilization. The empire never rests if there are 'enemies', i.e., people who have power and refuse to bow to US diktat.

The shah's son is alive and well in the US, presumably awaiting his return as US-Israeli puppet. For the US, it's all a game of thrones, each coup a new installment for Netflix.


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