Saturday 27 July 2024

Encircling Israel with missiles was General Soleimani's idea, says Hezbollah official

Mahmoud Qamati, a member of the Political Council of Hezbollah, said if the Lebanese resistance movement is ready to go to war with Israel and relies on its own missiles and drones, it is because of the great efforts made by General Soleimani.


“Martyr Soleimani’s idea was to encircle Israel, and he managed to do so in practice. It was Martyr Soleimani who made plans for the missiles of Lebanon and Gaza, as well as Iraq and even Yemen,” Iran’s Tasnim news agency on Sunday quoted Qamati as saying.


General Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC), was assassinated in a US drone strike authorized by former US president Donald Trump near Baghdad International Airport on January 3, 2020.


He has been praised in the region as the champion in the fight against terrorist groups, particularly Daesh, which has been supported by the United States and the Israeli regime.


Highlighting the world-renowned general’s endeavors, Qamati said the Lebanese resistance movement, as part of the broader Axis of Resistance in the region, was founded by General Soleimani.


He said General Soleimani managed to transform the resistance in all aspects due to his “pioneering spirit” and “strategic outlook.”


“He was among us in resistance operation rooms since the 2006 war,” Qamati recalled, adding that General Soleimani began to help with the reconstruction of Lebanon immediately after the war.

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