Thursday 09 May 2024

U.S. and Israel use unrest
in Iran to destabilize Iran

Mark Glenn

Mark Glenn: As far as the recent unrest, there can be no doubt that indeed it is America and Israel stirring up the trouble as a means of destabilizing Iran and making it vulnerable from within.


Tehran (Qodsna) – Iran witnessed nationwide unrest and protests in several cities. Iran accuses Israel and Western intelligence services of plotting to start civil war in Islamic Republic.

Pointing to the West's hostility towards Iran, especially in the management of this unrest, American political analyst, Mark Glenn said that the West–and by that we mean principally America–does indeed maintain a great degree of hostility towards Iran and for several reasons.


“The first dates back to times of antiquity, when ‘the West’ was known as ‘Rome’ and ‘Iran’ was known as ‘Persia’.


The two empires were engaged in a series of conflicts that today represent the longest-running political and military struggles in human history, which last almost 800 years, and -not by mere coincidence-–related to much the same thing over which this struggle continues today -control over the Middle East and in particular the region known as the Levant and modern day Palestine, he added.


“The more recent reason for this hostility is 1979 and Iran’s successful revolution which kicked out the American-controlled Shah and with that, all the connecting tentacles through which America (and by extension, the Zionist entity) was able to control Iran on the geo-political level”. 


Making matters worse is that this revolution did not devolve into chaos as usually takes place, but instead resulted in a stable and powerful political system that remains in place to this day, the Islamic Republic of Iran, Glenn added.


This was a terrible blow to the prestige of America and–more importantly—poses the very real threat that the other countries in the region, and especially those Arab Sunni countries firmly under the thumb of American and Israeli political control, will copy Iran’s model which lead to the complete disintegration of the existing American or Zionist hegemony, he noted.


As far as the recent unrest, there can be no doubt that indeed it is America and Israel stirring up the trouble as a means of destabilizing Iran and making it vulnerable from within as the precursor to what took place last decade with the ‘Arab Spring’, the Western/Zionist conspiracy aimed at destabilizing Egypt, Libya, Syria, etc.

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