Saturday 21 September 2024

Palestinian teenager martyred by IOF gunfire

A Palestinian teenager was martyred on Tuesday morning when the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) stormed al-Deheisha refugee camp in southern Bethlehem and clashed with local youths.

According to medical sources, 16-year-old Adam Ayyad was pronounced dead at the Beit Jala Hospital after he succumbed to a serious bullet injury in his chest, which he sustained during clashes with Zionist troops in al-Deheisha camp.


Palestinian Authority security sources told WAFA news agency that Ayyad was critically injured when a large number of Israeli troops stormed the camp in the morning and embarked on raiding homes and randomly firing live and rubber bullets, tear gas canisters and stun grenades at local youths.


Another teenager also suffered a bullet injury in one of his hands during the events.


The same security sources said that the IOF kidnaped a young man identified as Anan Sarabata after ransacking his home in the camp.


Meanwhile, a general strike was declared today in Bethlehem province in mourning for martyr Adam Ayyad.



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