Saturday 04 May 2024

Israeli gov’t deeply
divided for years

Randy Short

Tehran (Qodsna) – Randy Short: The failure of Israel to colonize Southern Lebanon, failure topple the Assad government, failure to destroy Hezbollah is due to the steadfast application of the Al -Quds doctrine of Ayatollah Khomeini.


Dr. Randy Short, an American human rights activist and a lay minister in the Christian Church in an exclusive interview with qodsna spoke about the internal developments in Israel and the future of the cabinet of the regime and the future of the resistance in the West Bank during the new prime minister's term.


Here is the full text of interview:


Qodsna:  Many Israeli experts and media do not have a positive view about Netanyahu's coalition cabinet. What’s your idea about it?

Randy Short : The Israeli government has been deeply divided for several years, and there has been significant struggles for preeminence by various factions in the Knesset. Serious social chasms exist in the state of Israel. Arguably, the Israel’s only true unifying force is grounded in a repetitive and incessant state-sponsored propaganda that stokes fear of a conspiracy to eliminate all Jews by a ubiquitous anti-Semitic ideology that is commonplace globally. Likewise, it is only the systemic promotion of hatred and fear of Palestinians and Arab populations in neighboring nations that prompts a very diverse Israeli population united behind leaders who are failing to address serious social issues of poverty, inflation, sectarian intolerance, Ashkenazim racism against non-European Jewry, declining water resources, gross corruption, international pressures regarding illegal settlements and allegations of Israel’s possession of nuclear weapons.

The demographic shifts in the population of Israel that is dwarfed by the population increases of Palestinians, so-called Israeli Arabs, and sundry low status non-European Jews is a challenge to the political calculus of career Israeli politicians like Prime Minister Netanyahu who pander to a Baruch Goldstein mentality that is dependent upon the existential hatred of Arabs by Israeli voters to remain in power.

Netanyahu’s options to unite a majority in the Knesset are limited in as much as he is viewed as equally venal and vile as he is adroit in wielding power. In past administrations, Netanyahu has been able to benefit from the Palestinians, Israeli Arabs, or preferably an Iranian-aligned nation or political party ( e.g. Syria or Hezbollah) to committing an “act of terror”, which has allowed him to galvanize the fractious Israeli body politic and an outraged public behind him. It remains to be seen how Netanyahu will exercise one of several of the following options as a gambit to coral the feuding factions behind him in the Knesset.


This writer believes that the following are a non-exhaustive list of options he is likely to take within the next few days or weeks:

1) Stage a false flag operation and blame Iran, Hezbollah, Hamas, and Syria as a means to secure Israeli and American and NATO support,

2) Foment tensions in Jordan to rally Israeli public and political support behind his leadership,

3) Bomb and send forces into Gaza during the Christmas-New Year Holidays,

4) Attack Syrian defense installations in the name of stopping increasing Iranian military build-up near the disputed Golan Heights

5) The least likely action would be to attack Hezbollah positions in Southern Lebanon to avenge the defeat of 2006.


Netanyahu and his fellow insular Ashkenazi-dominated Israeli leadership cannot afford to pursue a path or genuine peaceful engagement with its regional neighbors and retain control of lands seized from the Syrians, Palestinians, and so-called Israeli Arabs. Possibly the reactionary man of war, Netanyahu might achieve his goal by sacrificing his best ally in the region arteriosclerotic-Hawaja-slave Palestine Authority President for life Mahmoud Abba ( aka Abu Mazen).


Netanyahu and his intelligence staff know hated Abbas is incrementally losing his dystopian, bankrupt,  and brutal grip on power over the restive populace in  West Bank Occupied Territories, and he has more to lose allowing radical elements seize power from his tottering ally who has an expired warranty.


The cheapest and possibly most intelligent use of Netanyahu’s skullduggery would be for him to fob off angry masses of the Occupied Territories with a counterfeit controlled-opposition stooge replacement ( a Palestinian Obama), and his decisive use of his option to stage a covert putsch against ersatz ally Abbas.


Qodsna:  What are the most important internal problems of the Zionist regime and why are these problems constantly increasing?

Randy Short : Israel’s greatest problem is the growing awareness of the government’s poor treatment of primarily Muslim Palestinians in an era of a world-wide Islamic reawakening. Israel was established in 1948 about twenty-four years after the abolition of the Islamic Caliphate in 1924. Israel had a very difficult development as a nation for its first thirty-one years.


The year 1979, signaled a serious uptick in the opposition the state of Israel would face following the Iranian Revolution of 1979 which toppled Israeli-ally and strategic partner Shah Mohamed Reza Pahlavi (1941-1979).

Ayatollah Khomeini who was ushered into power in 1979 established Iran as an Islamic Republic, and made part of the mission of his new government a push for global Islamic unity and called for and organized full-spectrum opposition to the Zionist State of Israel.

Since the inception of the Islamic Republic of Iran, despite (Israel’s) countless efforts to undermine and destroy the theocratic government of the Islamic Republic, the leadership as increased in power and influence in its mission to challenge the Zionist state of Israel.

Iran’s military and scientific and diplomatic power has made it a regional power that is formidable and not a neocolonial farce like many nations of the so-called Middle East that are vessels of Western nations often despotic monarchical entities lacking support of the people.


Iran has never let lip service suffice for its commitment to the Palestinian Cause and has been a source of moral, spiritual, economic and military support to brother Islamic nations resisting the bellicosity of the Israeli military and aggressive intelligence service. Iran has adroitly via proxies defeat foreign military invasion forces in Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, and preserved its own sovereignty.


The failure of Israel to colonize Southern Lebanon, failure topple the Assad government, failure to create a false Caliphate on stolen lands in Iraq and Syria, nor destroy Hezbollah nor defeat its Iranian-trained forces in three different conflicts is due to the steadfast application of the Al -Quds doctrine of Ayatollah Khomeini. The United States, Israel, Britain, and Saudi Arabia have not been able to stop Iran’s ascent. Each year regardless of genocidal sanctions and foreign efforts to bring down the Islamic Republic of Iran’s government it grows stronger and attains more respect and support from the nations of the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, and Asia.


In previous decades, the Chinese Communist government had to endure decades of socio-economic intransigence and covert reprisals from America, but, ultimately, it emerged as a great world power. The same will prove to be true for Iran, and Israel’s powerful influence in the Western world will not spare it having to confront Iran as an emerging regional and world power.


Qodsna:  How do you evaluate the future of resistance in the West Bank during Netanyahu's re-election as prime minister?

The Palestinian people must free themselves of traitor Al Fatah leaders who are slaves to the Israeli Defense Force. The people must depose President Mahmoud Abbas and all the other entitled, cowardly, compromised, and corrupted politicians who rather jail and torture their own people for Tel Aviv’s bribes than challenge as single settler. The greatest thing that can happen is for the Palestinians to rid themselves of leaders who hate their own kind. This writer in 2005 heard Abbas ask for the US Secretary of State to provide him with weapons to fight Hamas. How is such a person viewed as a champion of the Palestinians?

Qodsna:  Will there be a change in the equation of the conflict in the region with the axis of resistance?

Randy Short : If such a change is to come, it will occur in Lebanon. Israel must confront Hezbollah, and such a conflict will not be like their genocidal attacks on Gaza. Such a conflict will make war a reality to the average Israeli as never before. Hezbollah will not be crushed like past foes of Israel. A war is inevitable and it will be costly. Israel’s days of bullying all of its neighbors are coming to an end. Hezbollah cannot conquer Israel nor can Israel invade Lebanon as in the days of Ariel Sharon. The next conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will be similar to the Russo-Finnish War. Israel can prevail but at such a high cost as to make a “victory” Pyrrhic. A day where Israel cannot related to sovereign nations like it’s hated Palestinian and Israeli Arab apartheid victims.


Qodsna:  Will there be a change in the equation of the conflict in the region with the axis of resistance?

 Randy Short : If such a change is to come, it will occur in Lebanon. Israel must confront Hezbollah, and such a conflict will not be like their genocidal attacks on Gaza. Such a conflict will make war a reality to the average Israeli as never before. Hezbollah will not be crushed like past foes of Israel. A war is inevitable and it will be costly. Israel’s days of bullying all of its neighbors are coming to an end. Hezbollah cannot conquer Israel nor can Israel invade Lebanon as in the days of Ariel Sharon. The next conflict between Israel and Hezbollah will be similar to the Russo-Finnish War. Israel can prevail but at such a high cost as to make a “victory” Pyrrhic. A day where Israel cannot related to sovereign nations like it’s hated Palestinian and Israeli Arab apartheid victims.


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