Saturday 27 July 2024

Hamas calls for a Palestinian, Arab, Islamic action to protect Al-Aqsa

Member of Hamas political bureau abroad Dr Abduljabbar Saeed said that the Israeli occupation has recently accelerated its attempts to Judaize and control the al-Aqsa Mosque.

In a press release issued Wednesday, Saeed noted that the Israeli extremists exploit religious festivals to storm the holy compound and perform religious rituals at the holy site.


The Hamas official confirmed that the movement rejects any Israeli plans aimed at Judaizing Al-Quds, as these schemes are not based on any legal grounds.


He also called on the Palestinian people to stand steadfast in the face of the Israeli occupation.


Saeed urged the components of the Arab and Islamic Ummah, along with the free people of the world, to mobilize support for Palestinian Jerusalemites and back their steadfastness at the holy compound.


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