Tuesday 04 June 2024 
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Hamas condemns Israeli occupation's denial of entry to UN Human Rights staff

Hamas: Israel bans entry of UN monitors to hide its crimes.

Spokesperson of Hamas Abd al-Latif al-Qanou said the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights' remarks about the Israeli occupation's delay and refusal to issue or renew entry permits for UN officials, whose mission is to monitor the human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territories, exposes the occupation's policy of evading legal accountability and fearing its consequences.

Al-Qanou added this conduct disregards for all UN reports that expose the reality of the Israeli occupation's crimes against the Palestinian land, people, and holy sites.


He confirmed that the Israeli occupation’s impeding of international officials and all human rights and humanitarian organizations from exercising their functions is nothing but a desperate attempt to cover up its policies of committing more violations and crimes against the Palestinian people, which will not be forgotten by lapse of time.


Al-Qanou concluded by calling on the international community to end the policy of double standards in dealing with the Palestinian cause, and the Palestinians' legitimate rights and their human suffering, which will not end unless this brutal occupation of our land ends.



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