Saturday 27 July 2024

Palestine activists arrested after dousing Israeli arms HQ in red paint

Three young activists were arrested on Friday after locking themselves to the entrance of the London HQ of Israel’s largest private arms firm for the second time in a week.

The three, who are members of Palestine Action, threw red paint over the building at 77 Kingsway Road, Holborn, and blocked off the entrance, preventing workers from entering.


The action is the second time the group has blocked the entrance to the London offices of Elbit Systems UK in under a week.


The activists held up signs reading “free Palestine,” and painted “war criminals” on the doors. The three were arrested at around 12pm on Friday and carried off to police vans.


Palestine Action said that. Elbit “arms the Israeli occupation forces to the teeth, and for that reason we will continue to make business impossible for Elbit.”


The firm has nine sites across Britain, including three weapons factories.


Palestine Action also condemned Hackney Police for inviting a delegation of Israeli officers to the London Borough earlier in the week.


The invitation came just days after Israeli forces attacked mourners at the funeral of Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot dead by Israeli troops.

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