Tuesday 04 June 2024 
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Hamas and Islamic Jihad condemn normalisation with apartheid Israel

A senior Hamas delegation visited Islamic Jihad Secretary-General Ziyad Al-Nakhalah in Beirut to discuss the latest Palestinian developments and the unity of the Palestinian factions. They united to condemn Arab normalisation with apartheid Israel.

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement said that Sheikh Saleh Arouri, the deputy head of its political bureau, was joined by senior officials at the meeting. They stressed the importance of facing up to the continuous Israeli aggression against the Palestinians all over their occupied land. Such aggression against the people and their Islamic and Christian holy places "must stop," insisted Hamas.


Both factions hailed the persistence of the Palestinians living in occupied Palestine and in the diaspora. They also praised the Palestinian resistance against the Israeli occupation and illegal settlers. Particular stress was placed on the importance of being ready to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque and the worshippers within the Noble Sanctuary in occupied Jerusalem.


With the priority being unity in order to end the Israeli occupation, Hamas and Islamic Jihad criticised the normalisation of ties between Arab countries and the apartheid state. They called upon Arab governments to support the Palestinian resistance against Israel instead of normalising ties with it.


The two factions also called on the Palestinian Authority to end its security cooperation with the Israeli occupation authorities, release political prisoners and stop hounding Palestinian activists.


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