Tuesday 07 May 2024 
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London protest stands with Palestine after Sheikh Jarrah eviction

The Palestine solidarity protests follows the Israeli eviction of a family in Sheikh Jarrah in east al-Quds (Jerusalem) and land grabs in the Naqab (Negev) dessert.

Over 500 loud and angry protesters gathered at short notice outside the Israeli embassy in London on Friday evening. 

They demonstrated in solidarity with Palestinians evicted from Sheikh Jarrah, east Jerusalem, and demanded freedom for Palestine and sanctions on Israel. 

Angry and determined demonstrators chanted, “One, two, three, four occupation no more. Five, six, seven, eight Israel is a terrorist state.” And, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”


Mia attended the protests last year, including when over 100,000 people marched in London one of the biggest Palestine solidarity demonstrations in Britain. “Any time something for Palestine is happening I come,” she said. “Protesting helps to raise awareness—even if someone walks past and looks up Palestine. 


Mia added, “Palestinian people, but also so many across the world, are oppressed and live in regimes of terror. Showing solidarity thousands of miles away can have an impact on those people and regimes.”


Placards on the protest read, “Freedom for Palestine,” “Save Sheikh Jarrah,” and, “Sanctions for Israel.” 


Speakers discussed putting sanctions on Israel and Western imperialist support for the Israeli military machine. They also pointed to the solidarity from trade unions and workers in the fight for Palestine.  


Malaika travelled from Wales to join the protest. “It’s important everyone keeps showing up,” she said. 


“People shouldn’t sit back—we need the momentum. We have to keep fighting for equal rights for Palestinians and to end apartheid.”

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