Sunday 02 June 2024
On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Nation:

Palestinian officials, activists highlight importance of resistance against Zionist regime

A group of representatives of resistance groups, including Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, along with other activists and experts in the field of Palestine and Resistance, held an event on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian Nation in Tehran.

Tehran (Qodsna) - On the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the representatives of Palestinian resistance groups in Iran along with other pro-Palestinian figures and activists held an event at the Palestinian embassy in Tehran on Monday.


During the ceremony, different figures gave speech about the Palestinian people and situation in which the Palestianians are experiencing.


The Palestinian ambassador to Tehran, Salah al-Zawawi, thanked all the guests, journalists and representatives of the media for their presence at the ceremony, saying: "Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad are among the heroes of Palestine and the Islamic world. As a child, my father told me that the day would come when the Zionists would come to Palestine and commit a great massacre. But in the end they will be eliminated.”


“The destruction of Israel will be the end of all the aggressors in the world. This regime will not end through dialogue and negotiation, but only through resistance,” he stressed.


Hojjatoleslam Meysam Amroudi, the deputy head of Tehran municipality for cultural and social affairs praised all groups active in supporting Palestine and representatives of Palestinian resistance groups, including Hamas and Islamic Jihad, saying that “November is a reminder of the tragic events for the liberated Palestinians. Those who have no control over the Palestinian cause wanted to legitimize Israel, but despite all Western efforts, the Palestinian people are awake and vigil.”


“The Palestinian people are not alone. Not only in Yemen or Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Iran, but also in the world, there is widespread popular support for the Palestinian people. Today, the victory of the Palestinian people is no longer a dream, it is an objective that has been achieved.


Khaled al-Qudumi, the representative of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) in Tehran  said that "we came to the Palestinian embassy to express our solidarity with the Palestinian people along with our Iranian brothers,” adding that “with the victory of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, the resistance groups in the region received the key to end the crisis of the Palestinian issue and the occupation in the region.”


“We call on the international community to do its part in addressing the Palestinian cause,” Qodumi said.


In the next part of the ceremony, Nasser Abu Sharif, the representative of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement noted that “unfortunately, racism, murder and looting against the Palestinian people have been going on for 72 years, but we, as the Palestinian people, call on all the free people of the world to express their solidarity with my people and express their support.”


“The case of Palestine is the case of absolute right versus absolute falsehood. The Zionist regime has not recognized the rights of the Palestinians since 1948,” he added, referring to the creation of Israel following the Balfour Declaration.

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