Saturday 15 June 2024

Al-Aqsa Mosque; An intifada
whose achievements continue

Qodsna Editorial Board

Tehran (Qodsna) - September 28th in the history of Palestine is one of the turning points in the struggles of this honorable nation. On September 28, 2000, Ariel Sharon, who was seeking the post of Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque with the support of about 2,000 troops and officially threatened the Palestinians, saying that he would suppress all Palestinian protests within 100 days.


This action of Sharon, which was considered as a kind of campaign against Al-Aqsa Mosque, was strongly condemned by the Palestinian society.


The Zionists severely suppressed the protests, but this action did not hold back the Palestinian community, and the next day, the Zionists suddenly faced a massive Palestinian uprising.


The various Palestinian movements, with the experience gained in the first intifada, started another intifada in the geography of Palestine, which is recorded in the history of Palestine under the title of "Al-Aqsa Mosque Intifada".



The intifada of Al-Aqsa Mosque had bitter consequences for the Zionists:


- Due to the spread of insecurity, the migration of Jews to occupied Palestine decreased.

- Reverse migration has started significantly, so much so that updated statistics indicate that the number of reverse migration is over one million and two hundred thousand people who left occupied Palestine and live in Western countries.

- Insecurity reduced foreign investment in the occupied territories.

- Insecurity caused by Al-Aqsa Mosque Intifada caused capital to flow out of the occupied territories.

- A significant part of the Zionist regime's revenue is from the tourism industry, but this industry was severely damaged due to the expansion of the Al-Aqsa Mosque Intifada.

- Public opinion in the region and the world became against Israel and in support of Palestine, and this imposed a heavy cost on the Zionist regime at the international level.

- Ariel Sharon, the prime minister of the Zionist regime, was forced to order a withdrawal from the Gaza Strip to quell the intifada, and Gaza was finally liberated after 38 years of occupation.

- Another consequence of the Second Intifada for Israel was the defeat of the Sharon coalition government, as well as the widespread split in the major Zionist parties, especially the Likud party.


Now, after 21 years, the Palestinian resistance has not only managed to maintain its achievements and even defeated the Zionist regime’s war machine in re-occupying Gaza and disarming the resistance during several wars.

Today, the resistance is in a situation where it can start a conflict with the Zionist regime. Sword of al-Quds operation is defined as the first step of resistance in this area.

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