Thursday 09 May 2024

Palestinian Sheikh urges British Muslims to visit Al-Aqsa Mosque

Sheikh Saleh Malhi, Manager of the Hashimi Hotel Jerusalem visited the North-West as part of his UK wide tour to raise the awareness of Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Sheikh Saleh Malhi, who has born in Jerusalem (Al-Quds) and has been raised there, is the manager at the world famous Hashimi Hotel in the Old City.  


Over the past few weeks he has been touring the UK visiting many masaajid and delivering lectures about the importance of the ummah connecting with Masjid al Aqsa (Al-Aqsa Mosque) and coming to visit it as soon as the restrictions are lifted. 


Sheikh Saleh in his lecture to the congregation stressed that his arrival to the UK is not to raise funds for charity, nor for any business but solely to deliver this message from the people of Palestine that Al-Aqsa Mosque needs the Muslim ummah to come, visit and pray there. 


Those who have visited Al-Aqsa Mosque and stayed at the Hashimi Hotel in Jerusalem will remember that the first person they meet upon arrival is Sheikh Saleh. 


Sheikh Saleh said "I long to meet my fellow brothers and sisters from the UK and as always I will be waiting for their arrival at the airport."

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