Wednesday 08 May 2024

Biden's new plan for Palestine
A new duplicate of Trump's Deal of Century

Ahmad Reza Roohallahzad

Tehran (Qodsna) - Joe Biden's plan called "Long-term peace with the Palestinians" and Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" are identical with some changes according to regional needs and developments, and both of them exactly pursue one goal that is to change the balance of power in the region in favor of Israel, and basically, the desirability and rights of the Palestinians are not going to be taken into account in these plans.


With the start of Biden's presidency, US unilateralism in international cases that pursued during the Donald Trump era and has reduced US global credibility, is now off the agenda of the new administration, and it seems that the Biden administration is trying to regain the lost credibility of the United States.
Trump followed the so-called “Deal of the Century” in the Middle East, which is based on resolving the Palestinian crisis and changing the regional equation with Israel's interests at its core.
Therefore, defining and creating a regional coalition centered on Israel was pursued by the US government, according to which the Arab regimes in the region entered the process of revealing relations with the Zionist regime under the title "the Abraham Accords".
According to an order issued by Donald Trump to the Arab-Islamic affiliated regimes in the Riyadh Conference, the affiliated regional regimes must stop supporting the Palestinian resistance as well as the regional resistance movements working against the occupying Zionist regime. Saudi Arabia’s step in introducing the Muslim Brotherhood and the Palestinian movement Hamas as a terrorist group after the Riyadh Conference and its subsequent actions such as the arrest of Palestinians living in Saudi Arabia can be assessed in this regard. Palestinian-Israeli negotiations were also halted under the so-called Deal of the Century, and the Palestinian Authority, which was born under the Oslo Accords, was effectively removed from the equation.
The resistance in the region not only did not show passivity against those actions, but by choosing "active resistance", it practically increased the costs of the United States and Israel and the allied regimes participating in the Zionist-American plan process of the so-called Deal of the Century. Even the US action in the assassination of Martyr General Soleimani was carried out within the framework of this plan, but the resistance not only did not retreat but also continued its path forward.
Western media recently reported on the US administration's new plan for the region, entitled "Long-Term Peace with the Palestinians," which appears to be the same as the Trump Deal of Century with some minor changes. In the new plan, instead of removing the Palestinian side from the equation and negotiation that was emphasized in the Deal of the Century, the responsibility for negotiating, coordinating, and controlling the Palestinians is delegated to regional regimes. Egypt is responsible for coordinating with Gaza and controlling resistance measures related to Israeli security, and the Jordanian government will be responsible for the occupied West Bank.
The new plan is the continuation of Trump's plan, and it is based on the recommendations of US think tanks, which emphasize that America's priority should be to control the world's economic and military powers, whose rapid economic and military growth will challenge US hegemony. Accordingly, containment of China, Russia, India, and the European Union should be a priority for the United States, and the White House should free itself from other cases, especially in the Middle East.
Think tanks reports, as well as the Baker-Hamilton report, emphasize that the United States must shift the balance of power in the Middle East with an Israeli focus. Therefore, it is recommended that the vacuum of the US presence in the Middle East should be filled by creating " Equivalent powers" centered on Israel. The entry of large volumes of weapons and military equipment into the region and their purchase by some US-affiliated regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar, the UAE, and Turkey is defined in this context.

Therefore, it should be said that Joe Biden's plan called "Long-term peace with the Palestinians" and Donald Trump's "Deal of the Century" are identical with some changes according to regional needs and developments, and both of them exactly pursue one goal that is to change the balance of power in the region in favor of Israel, and basically, the desirability and rights of the Palestinians are not going to be taken into account in these plans.
According to the new US plan, regional regimes have been appointed to coordinate and control the developments in the Palestinian Territory to ensure Israel's security, an issue that emphasizes the fact that the Zionist regime has failed to deal with the resistance. As a result, it seems that with this plan, the United States is trying to change hostile sides with the Palestinians. This would increase the costs of resistance and provide an opportunity for Israel to rebuild its political, social, and security power. In other words, the United States is trying to delegate Israel's security challenges to regional regimes.
Of course, it should be noted that transferring Israeli challenges to other countries is not confined to the Palestinian Territory, but its scope covers all areas of resistance, and accordingly. For each of Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the UAE, a role has been defined in this regard. Therefore, it should be said that this plan does not seek peace, but at its heart, it seeks to expand and transfer the challenges to other countries to free Israel from those challenges. That is to manage new crimes against the Muslim people of the region under the guise of striving for peace.
However, it seems that American designers do not take a lesson from the cause of the failures of their previous plans regarding Palestine and the axis of resistance, and perhaps this question has not come to their minds at all. The Zionist domination is like a chess game that pays attention only to its pieces and does not pay attention to the design and type of game of the other side. This is the most important reason for the failure of their plans against the axis of resistance. The point that Seyyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of Hezbollah in Lebanon, emphasized in his speech on 22 August, that our strength is that we know our enemy well, but the enemy is far from this knowledge.
The resistance has progressed in various military, political, economic, security, intelligence, and scientific dimensions and has defined itself on the world level and sometimes beyond that, on the "level of the Islamic Revolution" with the "horizon of the new Islamic civilization". This power is not about a one-dimensional actor, but it has acted strongly in the field of recognizing the enemy, and its plans, capacities, and capabilities have been defined based on this knowledge, and this is the most important reason for the failure of Zionist plans. Therefore, world domination has no choice but to retreat, and the equation has changed so much that any action of their order does not lead to success and is not even able to stop its regression process.


Writer: Ahmad Reza Roohallahzad

Ahmad Reza Roohallahzad is a Middle East affairs expert based in Tehran.

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