Saturday 08 February 2025

Palestinian forced to demolish his house in East Al-Quds

Mohammed Dwaik proceeded to tear down his house at Khilet al-Ein area in the town of at-Tur to avoid paying exorbitant costs if the Israeli municipality carries out the demolition on its own.

A Palestinian resident of occupied East Al-Quds proceeded to demolish his own house in the Khilet al-Ein area in the town of at-Tur to avoid paying high costs and fines after he received demolition orders from the Israeli municipality of West Al-Quds, according to local sources.


Using the pretext of building without a permit, which is rarely granted to Palestinians in the occupied city, the Israeli municipality has condemned hundreds of Palestinian-owned houses as part of a policy aimed to restrict Palestinian expansion and number in occupied Al-Quds.


At the same time, the municipality and government build tens of thousands of housing units in illegal settlements in East Al-Quds for Jews with a goal to offset the demographic balance in favor of the Jewish settlers in the occupied city.

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