Sunday 05 May 2024

New Israeli cabinet to remain main
force of terrorism around world

Gordon Duff

Tehran (Qodsna) - In an exclusive interview with Qods News Agency, Gordon Duff, senior editor of Veterans Today said that new Israeli government is likely to repeat Netanyahu’s game rules, continuing to commit terrorism.


“Israeli governments, over the past 20 years or so have learned that regional conflict and fear of Iran along with political instability in the US is a key to their survival. The Israel built by the Likudists is a failed state filled with what many in Israel consider "fake Jews" who were brought in from Russia to bolster extremist voting,” he said, adding that “the new government and their coalition are likely to be forced, even if they wish for change, to return to Netanyahu's game playing, which means Israel will continue to be the real force behind world terrorism now and in the foreseeable future.”


 Talking about recent events and protests in Al-Quds (Jerusalem) against Israel crimes and violations, Gordon Duff highlighted that “the only thing that would mitigate Israel's policies is international scorn.”


“To an extent, we must accept that the power Israel has is directly tied to its ability to manipulate the press, its willingness to use terrorism around the world, against governments and individuals, and its long partnership with the centuries-old criminal underworld that runs world banking and credit markets,” he stressed.


He then noted that the Biden government supports Israel as before, saying that “thus far, the Biden administration has been a major disappointment to his followers who expected him to begin rounding up those who have been warring on the US from within, many of those being dual citizens tied to Israel, many if not most tied to gambling, human trafficking massive government corruption and their friends and supporters in organized crime.”


“Central to the near civil war conditions within the US is the ever-present hand of Israel even though the extremist groups in the US that were built by Israel's friends are clearly Nazi and openly express hatred of Jews.  In fact, fostering hatred of Jews around the world seems to be an Israeli policy that we expect to continue unabated under the new regime,” the American journalist said, referring to the growing anti-Israeli sentiments.


“For the first time, America's press has openly broken with Israel and exposed their crimes and yet in no way has this drastic change in the press and the possible change in public opinion impacted US policies,” he further said.


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