Saturday 21 September 2024

Naftali Bennett to continue
aggressive policies against Palestinians

Dr. Declan Hayes

Tehran (Qodsna) - Speaking with Qods News Agency on the new cabinet in Israel and their policies towards Palestinians, Irish political analyst Dr. Declan Hayes said that “the overall trend of increased oppression, ethnic cleansing and serial Israeli war crimes continues.”


“The annexation of Palestinian land, the confiscation of Palestinian homes and the oppression of Palestinians will continue in ebbs and flows, just as it has waxed and waned since the May 1948 declaration of the Israeli state by East European immigrants to Palestine. Though some periods may be more intense than others, the overall trend of increased oppression, ethnic cleansing and serial Israeli war crimes continues,” Hayes said.


Answering to question about the future policies of the new Israeli government in Al-Quds (Jerusalem), the Irish scholar clarified that “Israel's policies will stay on the same aggressive trajectory. The Israeli government's policies in Jerusalem may best be compared to their policies in Hebron where they confiscated half of a mosque and converted it into a synagogue after Baruch Goldstein, an American Zionist extremist, murdered 29 worshippers in the Ibrahimi mosque in February 1994.”


“I expect Israel to throttle East Jerusalem just as they cleansed West Jerusalem and strangled Hebron and they will support co-sharing of the al-Aqsa mosque between "Jews" and Muslims along with the Ibrahimi mosque model as a first step towards annexing the entire complex,” he added.


Declan Hayes also talked about new Israeli PM Neftali Bennet, saying that he has repeatedly demonstrated his support for Israel’s major objectives from “even long before he directed the April 1996 indictable war crime of Lebanese civilians (and Fijian peace-keepers) at Qana.”


The political analyst then noted that the Biden government will support the Zionist regime just as previous US governments.


“Because every American government has fawned over Israel since the 1956 Suez crisis, there is no real difference between the policies of a Trump, a Bush, a Clinton or an Obama/Biden.  US and EU support for Israel is not a trivial thing that can be turned on and off at the flick of a switch,” Declan Hayes explained.


“There is a lot at stake not only for Israel but all her collaborators in Washington, New York and Hollywood as well. That being so, we can expect US, EU and NATO support for Israel to be a given long into the future and we should act on that basis,” he added,



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