Monday 10 June 2024

Resistance only resultful solution
against Zionist regime

Ahmad Reza Roohallahzad

The Iran-led resistance axis in the Middle East is considered the most powerful regional force in the region. There is no doubt that the new regional order is being shaped around the axis, and no other forces can prevent it.


In the current regional situation, the resistance axis meaningfully operates in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen. Besides, the axis defines new alliances with countries like Venezuela that are trying to separate from the imperialistic movement.


Militarily, the resistance axis has a powerful and elite army that is equipped with different armaments. The army of the resistance axis is on the path of progress as it is popular among nations.


As the spiritual belief in the resistance forces has been raised from the Islamic culture and it is intertwined with the culture of martyrdom, the resistance axis seeks to acquire advanced and cutting-edge military equipment, while its spiritual aspect and its bravery can inject fear into any superpower.


To counter threats and to challenge enemies’ military superiority, the resistance axis is provided with game-changing weapons, an issue that has worried enemies of Islam, especially the United States and Israel.


Iran poses a daily threat to the U.S. and its allies in the Middle East as America’s military superiority in the region wanes, the head of U.S. Central Command, General Frank McKenzie told Congress on Tuesday, reported by Bloomberg.


McKenzie warned that Iran’s widespread use of small- and medium-sized drones for surveillance and attacks means that “for the first time since the Korean War, we are operating without complete air superiority,” McKenzie said.


It is widely believed that the result of Iran’s military superiority is an inevitable withdrawal of US forces from the region, and consequently, shaping a new regional order that Iran and the resistance axes are its main players. Despite that, the United States put its efforts into action to create an Arab-Zionist coalition that would be controlled by the US administration to prevent any resistance-oriented order. Presenting the so-called Deal of Century as well as recent normalization deals between the Zionist regime and some Arab regimes can be asserted within this framework. These measures can have adverse impacts on the Zionist regime, as the people across the Middle East are angry about having normal ties with Israel.


History has shown that the only solution to the threat of the Zionist regime is resistance, and any other option is doomed to failure, as the Oslo Accord proved that.


Writer: Ahmad Reza Roohallahzad

Ahmad Reza Roohallahzad is a Middle East affairs expert based in Tehran.

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