Monday 10 June 2024

International Quds Day slogan announced

“Today We Are Closer to Al-Quds Than Ever” is the motto of this year’s International Quds Day.

This was announced on Tuesday by Hojat-ol-Islam Mohammad Hassan Akhtari, head of the Committee of Supporting the Islamic Revolution of Palestinian People.


Speaking at a press conference in Tehran, he said rallies marking the International Quds Day were held in some 100 countries in previous years and the outcome of those demonstrations is that today Palestine is the main issue of the Muslim world.


He added that this year, due to the new wave of the coronavirus pandemic, rallies will not be held in Iran either in person or in cars.


Instead, the cleric stated, the capacities of the virtual space should be used to promote the cause of Palestine and condemn the Zionist regime’s occupation of the Palestinian lands.


The International Quds Day is a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, who designated the day in solidarity with Palestinians.


Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the International Quds Day has been held worldwide on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.


This year, the International Quds Day falls on Friday, May 7.

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